
Harwood originally moved into the presidency in 2017 when Ania Hampton stepped aside due to illness.

These technologies continue to be underutilised by Australia's building sector.

In winter it can provide hot water for heating buildings, using either the air or the brine from the ground as heat sources.

The global heat pump market is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 8.24 per cent through to 2022.

Heat pumps require high initial investments for procurement and installation, however, cost savings are higher than traditional furnaces.

Marsh Mellow springs are quiet in operation, unlike steel springs which readily transmit high frequency structural noise and often suffer from coil chatter.

It is easy to install with a single point connection for flow/return, drain, gas to reduce site costs.

Maintenance helps to keep equipment compliant with Australian Standard AS:5007 which requires doors to be inspected every three months.

The average speed of residential fire growth is eight times faster than it was 50 years ago because of synthetic furnishing and building materials.

The new probes can also be used without the Indigo host device through Modbus protocol.

The main project was to install and commission an ice tank system with heat recovery.

These flow instruments offer many advantages for service in a wide range of applications from plant, buildings or gas sub-metering to small inlet air/gas feed lines for boilers.

There are two types of internal reflectors that radiate heat evenly to maximise comfort.

ETW created a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) solution with a customised automation system.

A dozen new engineers and other staff have recently joined Seeley International which continues to grow.

Ringwood Aquanation has incorporated 12 Mylar heat wheels into four air handling units providing heated fresh air to the new pool hall.