
With the support of the Victorian Government, the new building brings with it a commitment to create at least 35 new jobs over the next four years.

Geoff Crittenden, CEO of Weld Australia said the introduction of advanced welding technology into Australian manufacturing will deliver significant improvements in profitability, efficiency and quality.

According to Dr Pfautsch this means that planning and the very judicious use of urban materials in that area, is crucial to avoid locking Western Sydney into inescapably high future urban heat.

The unit recovers heat from the refrigeration display cabinets and evaporators and reuses it to heat other areas of the building at no extra cost.

Germany is moving away from high polluting coal and nuclear power will be completely phased out in that country by 2023.

According to WSU, temperatures across urban landscapes can vary wildly, sometimes by more than 10 degrees.

CSIRO research director Dr Patrick Hartley said the science agency was on a mission to bring together industry, government and other research organisations to fast-track emerging hydrogen technologies.

Mini Expo

A full range of gas and electric steam boilers were on display as well as a new range of hot water heaters.

FloWorks is open to businesses of all sizes interested in working with CSIRO.

There is no need to climb rooftops to gain access to solar equipment to troubleshoot panel faults, it can be done remotely which greatly reduces time and labour costs.

Headquartered in Marl, Germany, the new entity will enable Yanmar to strengthen its development activities to further expand tailor made solutions for its energy customers in Germany and the rest of Europe.

Schneider Electric has provided venture funding to develop Clipsal Solar as a start-up business.

The units are suitable for heating and air-conditioning systems in building technology as well as for typical industrial heating and cooling applications.

The reliability of titanium, combined with over-temperature protection, makes heaterSteam the natural solution for applications where service continuity is crucial.

The energy centre for the network, features five flues forming a sculptural ‘Tower of Light’ which contains a 3.3MWe combined heat and power (CHP) engine and two 12MW gas boilers.

Discussions focused on Australia’s relaxed welding regulatory and compliance frameworks, which has led to an increase in injuries.