The award-winning Brivis Iceberg is a distinctive design collaboration between Australia’s leading heating and cooling manufacturer and one of Europe’s most innovative engineering design firms.
Its evaporative cooling system is based on a totally natural process of air cooled by water, meaning it keeps rooms cool – even with windows and doors open.
The result is a natural cool air that is never re-circulated, helping ensure odours and airborne germs are instantly expelled. Evaporative cooling is also up to 50 per cent cheaper to install and seven times cheaper to run than other types of air conditioning. The Iceberg also has a 93 per cent efficiency rating and features a range of intelligent water saving properties.
The Brivis Iceberg is installed neatly and out-of-sight in the roof space. This abolishes the typical large ‘box’ on the roof, in the process preserving the character and appearance of the property. The air passes through the Brivis Hydrochill fins which cool the air through evaporation.
The cooled air is then quietly distributed as a gentle breeze via a series of strategically-placed ceiling ducts. It also assists home designers who wish to adhere to local covenant restrictions on roof-mounted cooling appliances.
Brivis Iceberg does not present the ‘working at heights’ risks that mar multi-level applications, while the ‘BAL’ option provides a system that can be used in bushfire areas, with compliance for applications of up to Bushfire Alert Level (BAL) 29.
The product has also been constructed with disassembly in mind and is made using 100 per cent recyclable materials. Designed to provide many years of use with minimal maintenance, the product also uses the least amount of water through the use of the Brivis Aquasave water management system.