• eFinity

Nature's Miracle Holdings Inc., a leader in vertical farming technology and infrastructure, this week launched its new dehumidifier under the brand name efinity.

The company said Nature's Miracle is one of only three companies in the United States to service the indoor growing market.

This dehumidifier product is a complementary product under the umbrella of its efinity LED lighting business for a cross sell opportunity to the brand's solid customer base.

The initial roll out of the efinity dehumidifier includes two models: the 345-pint-per-day SJD-07EG model and the 506-pint-per-day SJD-10EG model while the company is working on the even more powerful 876-pint-per-day model. Efinity dehumidifiers adopt R-32.

The efinity dehumidifier will be available for shipping starting in Q3 of 2024 and the company expects annual sales revenue to exceed $20 million.

Nature Miracle chair & CEO, James Li, said the company has achieved $2.2 million of revenue and a 14 per cent gross margin during Q1 of 2024, primarily from the sales of grow light.

“The addition of the efinity dehumidifier will enhance both our topline growth and margin expansion,” he said.

“Nature's Miracle can offer a full range of indoor growing products including the industry-leading efinity grow light, MiracleTainer container farm system, efinity dehumidifier and growing mediums including Dutch Coco, Dutch Wool.

“With indoor farming continuing its upward trajectory, Nature's Miracle will continue to enhance its position as a one-stop shopping provider of technology, product and solution for the industry."