• CCN editor, Sandra Rossi.
    CCN editor, Sandra Rossi.

Assembling the heads of industry groups from around the globe together in one room is no easy feat.

Getting them to talk openly (on camera) with a journalist acting as moderator is another challenge that had to be tackled to make today’s featured roundtable a reality (see today’s digital edition of CCN).

In the September edition of the magazine CCN presents part one of a topical roundtable report on the challenges of heat pump deployment.

It is an accomplishment made possible thanks to the sponsorship and support provided by Refrigerant Reclaim Australia and Refrigerants Australia.

I would also like to extend my gratitude to the roundtable participants for being so frank and forthcoming.

Heat pumps and the issues surrounding their global deployment are not simple.

Industry has a myriad of obstacles to overcome. Add low GWP refrigerants to the mix and the subject matter is controversial.

Mention propane and the conversation is downright flammable (excuse the pun). It’s clear that propane is central to this entire conversation which extends to safety, training & skills development.

Talk about safety and the discussion inevitably leads to licensing and compliance. Every one of these issues and more were covered during this two-hour roundtable event.

System design was another sensitive topic, along with government rebates. There were enough challenges identified at this event to turn the roundtable into a full day seminar.

Every part of the globe had issues unique to their country or region, but bring everyone together in a single room and it is clear - our situations are a little different, but our problems are the same.

The conclusion? The road to net zero is a hazardous one with plenty of pot-holes to be avoided.

Put simply, there are a world of problems ahead but the end goal is a worthy one and we already know industry is up for the challenge.