Air conditioning contractors can now read refrigerant pressures without gauges.
Does that air conditioning system have enough refrigerant? Does the sprinkler system have enough pressure? Now you can check an app on your smartphone and know the answer.
A new Bluetooth-enabled, wireless sensor has been introduced by Transducers Direct. The battery-powered TDWLB pressure sensor attaches to the pressurised lines of your air conditioning system via a standard Schrader valve, allowing the user to monitor refrigerant pressures from a tablet or smartphone.
Developed for home automation, industrial, marine and commercial applications, the TDWLB uses a patent-pending design and proprietary digital circuitry for high energy efficiency to provide an 18 to 24 month battery life and redundant sensing.
Its smart phone app (T-Direct TDWLB on iTunes and soon Android) lets the user name each sensor one time securely, then program setpoints/alarms for multiple sensors, monitor readings, and graph activity over time – all from a phone, tablet or computer.
The TDWLB is available in two different compensated accuracies of one per cent and 0.25 per cent, with temperature sensing as an option. It is designed for intermittent, rather than dynamic, machine-control applications.
Transducers Direct president Rob Matthes, said the pressure of any fluid can be monitored from vacuum to 10,000 psi. He said air conditioning contractors can read refrigerant pressures without clumsy gauges.
“It ends the refrigerant leaks that occur when attaching gauges,” Matthes said.
“The US-made sensor is all digital, eliminating mechanical components, wear parts, analog circuitry and setpoint drift for ultimate reliability and accuracy.
“It uses a one-piece, precision-machined stainless steel diaphragm and header. This provides 10 times the life of a conventional diaphragm and eliminates all springs, pushrods, micro switches and O-rings. All wetted parts are stainless steel.”
The TDWLB’s all-digital design eliminates amplifiers, filters, and amplified noise, producing a high-resolution signal without analog variability or noise in the circuit. It is easily programmed and monitored through its app.
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