• A 7-Star rated home in Victoria.
    A 7-Star rated home in Victoria.

Introduction of the 7-Star rating by the National Construction Code (NCC) is changing the housing landscape in Australia.

It is improving energy efficiency, thermal comfort and raising the bar on Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ).

New standards are being adopted in every state and territory which is why Bradford Insulation has released a compliance guide for builders, architects, designers, and other industry professionals to help them make informed insulation decisions.

Australia will not reach net zero without drastic thermal efficiency improvements to reduce heating and cooling costs.

Last year a report released by RMIT University said Australia has more than 10 million homes with poor energy and thermal performance.

Insulation is key to slowing heat flow and maintaining a stable indoor temperature regardless of the outdoor climate.

Commonly installed in walls, ceilings, and floors, effective insulation is essential, especially in older Australian homes that often lack it, leading to extreme indoor temperatures in summer or winter.

Educating clients about the importance of insulation in new builds is crucial, as retrofitting wall insulation later can be challenging due to structural limitations. For renovations, enhancing roof and ceiling insulation is a viable alternative that significantly boosts thermal efficiency.

“It’s important to educate clients on the long-term environmental and economic benefits of sustainable building choices,” the guide states.

“Additionally, staying abreast of the latest green technologies and sustainable materials and incorporating them into your projects can set a standard within the industry for responsible construction practices.”

National 7-Star framework

The NCC’s 7-Star rating is all about ensuring better energy efficiency while making significant strides in Australia’s collective efforts to combat greenhouse gas emissions.

This standard varies by state and territory, affecting local building practices:

Australian Capital Territory (ACT)

  • Adopted liveable housing and 7-Star provisions from October 2023. Clients in this region, primarily fall within Climate Zone 7 (Cool temperate).

New South Wales (NSW)

  • Aligned BASIX thermal targets with 7-Star ratings. NSW spans Climate Zones 5 to 7 (Warm to Cool temperate), necessitating versatile insulation solutions.

Northern Territory (NT)

  • Currently has 5-Star requirements but is transitioning to higher standards. Located in Climate Zones 1 and 2 (High humidity and warm humid conditions), which demand materials that can handle both high heat and humidity.

Queensland (QLD)

  • Implementing 7-Star standards from May 2024. Queensland covers Climate Zones 1 to 3 (High humidity to Hot dry conditions). Queensland’s Development Code grants a one-star credit for homes or apartments with qualifying outdoor living areas.

 South Australia (SA)

  • Transition to 7-Star by October 2024, with some exemptions possible. In Climate Zone 5 (Warm temperate).

 Tasmania (TAS)

  • Will adopt liveable housing standards by October 2024 but not 7-Star.In Climate Zone 7 (Cool temperate), which is crucial for maintaining comfort throughout the state's harsh winters.

Victoria (VIC)

  • Transition from May 2024. Victoria covers Climate Zones 6 to 8 (Mild temperate to Alpine), requiring a flexible approach to insulation to address the diverse thermal needs.

Western Australia (WA)

  • Set to adopt 7-Star by May 2025. Western Australia covers Climate Zones 3 to 6 (Hot dry to Mild temperate), which necessitates a highly adaptive insulation strategy to meet the varying needs of different regions.