
The advanced ST75 Air/Gas Flow Meter from Fluid Components International (FCI) is ideal for optimising natural gas flow control for industrial ovens, heat chambers and furnaces to reduce process and plant fuel costs.

It measures fuel gas, process gas, inert gas, waste gases and air in small line sizes. Natural gas fueled industrial ovens, heat chambers and furnaces are used in a wide variety of heating process applications.

Two of the most common types of industrial ovens are the batch oven and the conveyor oven. Batch ovens support variable production load sizes, volumes and multiple temperature profiles where a high degree of process flexibility is desirable.  Conveyor ovens, on the other hand, support highly repeatable temperature profiles with uniform, predictable volumes.

No matter the type of oven, heat chamber or furnace, they all benefit from the precise control of natural gas flow.

FCI’s ST75 Flow Meter helps process and plant engineers more accurately control their complex heating processes to optimise rise time, which lowers gas consumption and minimises plant energy costs.

The ST75 Flow Meter is equally well suited for low flow and high flow operations in industrial ovens and operates over a wide flow range, from 0.01 to 950 NCMH depending on line size. For variable process conditions, the ST75 is factory preset to a wide turndown range at 10:1 to 100:1.

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