• FyreWrap Elite
    FyreWrap Elite

During this year’s ARBS conference in Melbourne, Unifrax and Trafalgar officially launched Fyrewrap for the fire protection of duct work.

Fyrewrap provides clients, consultants and contractors with an attractive alternative to the intrusive and messy fire spraying systems that have been all too common on Australian construction sites, the company says.

Since its introduction, Fyrewrap is being specified and used on many projects throughout Australia and has even managed to find its way to Samoa.

Fyrewrap has been used in the fire protection of commercial duct work for more than 20 years in North America. It is also used extensively in the industrial market for various applications ranging from ship-lining to furnace construction, as well as cable and steel protection.

Since launching in Australia, it has made major inroads into the construction sector and has already been used in hospitals, airports, aged care facilities, kitchen upgrades in restaurants, as well as residential and commercial developments.

Fyrewrap is a high temperature insulation made from a calcia, magnesia, silica core material with a service temperature of greater than 1200°C.

It is fully encapsulated in aluminium foil-reinforced scrim and glued continually to the surface area of the core material.

Fyrewrap is able to provide up to two hours of fire protection around duct systems.

Ducts that require fire protection include ventilation ducts, smoke spill/smoke exhausts, stair pressurisation ducts, kitchen ducts, car park exhausts and chemical fume ducts. All of these ducts can be fire-protected using Fyrewrap.

As Fyrewrap comes in a ready to use foil finished roll, it can be wrapped around ductwork of all configurations.

It eliminates the need for messy spray applied materials, which are known to require hours of masking to avoid resulting overspray.

Fyrewrap results in fast, clean, easy fireproofing while providing pleasing aesthetics, the company says.

It is beneficial for project work and planning as it allows other trades to work in close vicinity to the contractors undertaking the duct wrapping and with careful planning, large quantities of the duct fireproofing can be completed off site.

All these attributes allow Fyrewrap to have the added benefit of being a cost effective solution.

Because Fyrewrap requires minimal basic tools, less preparatory works and is not influenced by site environmental factors, installation teams can be mobilised on-site faster than conventional fire spraying systems.

There is no downtime due to equipment breakdown with Fyrewrap.

Site installation rates for Fyrewrap are much greater compared to fire spraying and as some of the work can be carried out off-site, this reduces on-site presence for the Fyrewrap crew, an important consideration especially for small sites with limited access.

Fyrewrap quality control and system identification is undertaken in a very efficient manner as the product markings and system geometry are readily visible to the inspector.

Fire spray systems have the inherent limitations of difficulty in determining correct spray thickness, mix ratio used and unbranded finished product.

Fyrewrap is not a wet or dirty trade. No dust or waste is
produced that could find its way into drains and contaminate the surrounding environment.

The potential for accidental overspray affecting nearby trades and/or the community is completely removed with this system.

Antimicrobial growth testing has found Fyrewrap highly resistant to mould growth, a significant attribute for hospital projects, aged care facilities and food handling kitchen areas.

Fyrewrap is also certified biosoluble, another important consideration for installation teams.
It is extremely simple to install. Highly specialised trades are not necessary for the installation of Fyrewrap.

Existing thermal insulation contractors (laggers) can do the job as the equipment required and techniques used are very similar to those needed for standard insulation works.

The Fyrewrap installation method comprises of the following four basic steps:

1. Determine the perimeter of the duct and allow for some overlap.

2. Lay out the Fyrewrap roll, pull it tautly and cut the required length to wrap around the duct. Ensure the cut edge of the Fyrewrap length is taped using standard reinforced duct tape.

3. Wrap the Fyrewrap around the duct with a 75mm overlap over all joints.

4. Fix the Fyrewrap to the duct with standard steel strapping and/or welded pins, depending on the size of the duct.

Even though the Fyrewrap system is easy to install, both Unifrax and Trafalgar recommend installation training be undertaken to ensure the fire protection system is carried out to the correct specifications.

Fyrewrap is approximately five times lighter than traditional fire sprays which allows for easier handling.

Difficult duct locations can be protected by using either two- or three-sided encasements.
The Fyrewrap system also includes a method for the fire protection of duct access doors.

For sections of Fyrewrap that require repair, reinforced duct tape or a section of Fyrewrap can be used to simply replace the damaged area.

Fire-sprayed systems which have deteriorated often require the re-establishment of large pieces of spraying equipment which are very intrusive and potentially wet and dirty.

This can be an unacceptable option for buildings which are occupied.

In addition to its fire protection properties, Fyrewrap is also a good insulating material.

One layer of 38mm thick Fyrewrap has an R value of approximately 1.2 and two layers of Fyrewrap will achieve an R value of about 2.4.

Therefore, in addition to providing a good fire rating, two layers of Fyrewrap will meet most duct insulation requirements for projects throughout Australia.

This added advantage can lead to a consolidation of trades on site and more efficient project management and use
of resources.

Standard thermal insulating material and the layer of fire spray can both be replaced with two layers of Fyrewrap.

This technique could be very attractive for isolated, regional projects which potentially could use just one trade (such as the lagger) to carry out both the insulation and fire protection of the duct work.

Since the ARBS conference in May, Fyrewrap has been used in many projects throughout Australia, including a series of hotel kitchens upgrades in Sydney; a building redevelopment in Docklands, Melbourne; a medical research centre in Adelaide; and fire protection of ductwork at Perth Airport.

Fyrewrap is also being considered on other large infrastructure projects in north Queensland and Darwin.

For more information call Trafalgar Fire on 1800 888 714 or visit www.tfire.com.au