
A technical seminar for engineers on ways to combat and manage corrosion will be held in Sydney on September 17, 2015.

A second seminar on the latest advances in coating technology will be held in Perth on October 1, 2015. Both events are being hosted by the Australasian Corrosion Association (ACA).

In order to effectively and efficiently manage the effects of concrete corrosion, companies and organisations require staff who have gained an understanding of the numerous types of concrete corrosion and of the preventative and remediation technology available.

ACA technical seminars cover diverse topics and are designed to provide attendees with information and guidance about ways to combat and manage corrosion.

Building on the success of previous concrete themed events, the ACA is hosting a seminar in Sydney that will investigate and discuss the repair and maintenance of concrete assets across a range of industry sectors.

On September 17, the ACA's Concrete Structures and Buildings Technical Group will host a technical seminar “Concrete Assets – Experience with Repair and Maintenance” in Sydney focusing on real life case studies.

Industry experts such as asset owners, consultants, contractors and suppliers will share their experiences, and the lessons they have learnt, through both successes and failures of concrete corrosion management.

Another technical seminar being offered by the ACA will cover the latest advances in coating technology, assessment of applied coatings and surface preparation.

Titled “Protective Coatings Preventing Corrosion,” the seminar will be held in Perth on October 1, 2015 and will be of interest to coating suppliers, end-client project supervisors, estimators and structural engineers involved in designing or maintaining steel structures.

The seminar aims to formalise or improve the skills of participants through presentations and demonstrations.

The ACA was formed in 1955 and represents companies, organisations and individuals involved in the fight against corrosion and promotes cooperation between academic, industrial, commercial and governmental bodies.

ACA is a not-for-profit, membership association which provides training, seminars, conferences, publications and other activities to disseminate information about corrosion and its prevention or control.

For full seminar details and bookings please visit the ACA website