
Rotary Heat Exchangers Pty Ltd has completed nine indoor aquatic centre upgrades supplying a total of 32 energy recovery Mylar heat wheels in the past 18 months.

Projects include the Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra, Hobart Aquatic Centre in Tasmania and the Broadmeadows Leisure Centre in Victoria.

The combination of the nine projects are making a real difference, according to company CEO Bill Ellul.

 “Our energy recycling wheels for our nine recent aquatic projects heat a total of 220,000 l/s of fresh air using free exhaust air heat,” he said. 

“We estimate that this is saving approximately 108,000 GJ/annum of natural gas and delivering a total of $565,000 annual savings for our customers plus 4,600 tonnes CO2 reductions for the benefit of the environment for many decades to come.”

 The City of Hobart commissioned Rotary Heat Exchangers Pty Ltd to provide one of its largest R2750 heat wheels with 2750mm rotor diameter as a replacement for one of its existing imported heat wheels installed at the centre 12 years ago. 

The fresh air flow through the wheel is 11,000 l/s. The existing Al wheel had a 3000mm  diameter and 270mm deep aluminium honeycomb rotor.

 The swimming centre at the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS), which houses a 50 metre and 25 metre heated pools in an indoor complex in Canberra, recently underwent a major refurbishment. The centre is open to the public with both heated pools available when not in use by the AIS sport programs.

Rotary Heat Exchangers Pty Ltd was asked to supply four 2540mm diameter heat wheels to replace the existing three wheels supplied to the centre by Rotary over 30 years earlier.

“Our old three wheels provided decades of good energy savings after they were installed at the then National Sports Centre in 1982. Our four new wheels will give even better long term performance,” Ellul said.