• ARBS chair, Ian Hopkins.
    ARBS chair, Ian Hopkins.

In an initiative to foster innovation and skill development post-COVID, the ARBS Education and Research Foundation (ARBS Foundation) is actively inviting submissions for educational and research grants.

This call to action stands at the forefront of the Foundation's reinvigorated commitment to enhancing the air-conditioning and refrigeration industry.

The ARBS Foundation, established in 2014, has been instrumental in providing support through scholarships and grants, particularly in areas not covered by government funding. As the industry navigates its post-pandemic recovery, the Foundation is eager to encourage proposals from tradespeople, educators, students, and industry professionals. This effort is part of a strategic focus on bridging training gaps and addressing current industry challenges.

Our commitment is further evidenced by the recent allocation of $424,207 in grants, reflecting our balanced approach to support. Nearly identical amounts have been allocated to the Scholarship Fund $211,892, and to the Development Fund $212,315, that have supported 32 grants in total.

Despite the cancellation of the ARBS 2020 exhibition and the economic strains brought on by the pandemic, the Foundation's resolve has not faltered.

With the success of ARBS 2022 and the resumption of support from the ARBS Exhibitions Board, there is a renewed energy directed towards investing in the sector's future.

ARBS chair, Ian Hopkins, said the Foundation has already demonstrated its resilience by funding key training programs through AIRAH and CIBSE during these challenging times.

“The anticipation of what's to come is further heightened by the scheduling of a strategic workshop in early February 2024, which aims to set the future course for the Foundation's endeavours,” he said.

“The ARBS Foundation has not wavered in its mission, and as we emerge from the pandemic stronger, we are more committed than ever to empowering those who strive for excellence and innovation."

The ARBS Foundation remains dedicated to strengthening the air-conditioning and refrigeration industry through education and research, ensuring support for those looking to elevate their educational pursuits and tackle the industry's practical challenges.

For more information or to submit a proposal, please visit www.arbsfoundation.com.au.