
Numbers of those commencing apprenticeships or traineeships in trade occupations were down 9.8 per cent in the March quarter 2020.

This dual award, which is sponsored by ABB, was created to identify and develop future leaders in our industry.

Business owners do not expect relief, with 28 per cent of respondents saying they expect further falls in revenue next month.

The agreement also specifies that IPD will support ABB with customised distribution boards using ABB components.

Some 128 courses are offered in partnership with education leaders including Deakin University and RMIT University.

Clean jobs summit

Local government will identify opportunities to create thousands of jobs and promote regional investment.

Inviting submissions on its draft determination, ACCC Commissioner Stephen Ridgeway said a solar PV system can be a large investment.

Distributors are now in place across Asia including Hong Kong, Singapore and Vietnam.

Culture shift

Gatehouse will be supported by Darrin O’Brien, who has been appointed to the newly created role of people and culture manager.

Sales in the ducted product category were particularly strong during the last 12 months.

It is important to improve Australia's skills forecasting capability to identify the jobs of the future.

New business model

Investment in the IFS solution is part of a larger strategy to transform the company’s business mindset to be more service-centric.

Supermarkets are working hard to develop their green credentials.

Valued at over $60 million, it is the biggest green energy deal of its kind by a council in Australia.

Commenting on his reappointment, Dr Marshall, thanked CSIRO staff for their passion and commitment.

The Wage Inspectorate of Victoria will be established as a new statutory authority with powers to investigate and prosecute wage theft offences.