The Advanced Manufacturing Schools Outreach Program is encouraging young people in secondary schools to explore a meaningful career in the trades.
With a skills crisis impacting a raft of labour markets across Australia, industry is calling for the program to be rolled

out nationally. It is currently operating in New South Wales and an information day will be held on 28 March, 2023.
Weld Australia CEO, Geoff Crittenden, said there is no magic solution to Australia’s skills crisis.
“We need a radical approach. The same old approach that we’ve taken for years will not arm Australia with the skilled workers needed to deliver the record number of projects we’re seeing in industries like defence and renewables, let alone the $237 billion pipeline of government infrastructure,” he said.
“A veritable army of skilled workers, including welders, will be required to build and install the infrastructure needed to achieve the federal government’s 43 per cent emissions reductions target by 2030 and net zero by 2050.
“Unless action is taken now, Australia will be at least 70,000 welders short by 2030. And welding is just one trade: similar skills deficit can be found in just about every trade across the nation.”
Crittenden said parents need to understand that a career as a tradesperson is full of potential and a whole raft of exciting opportunities.
The Advanced Manufacturing School Outreach Program relies upon the use of augmented reality welding simulators to provide young people with a real welding experience. To date, 82 welding simulators are installed at 40 high schools across New South Wales.
The technology is also being utilised by students in years 10-12 to support the delivery of Manufacturing and Engineering and Industrial Technology (Metal), as part of MEM20413 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways.