The Federal Government has released a discussion paper seeking feedback from stakeholders on the new standards for skilled migration assessing authorities.
The paper sets out draft principles and standards, outlines current skills assessment practices and proposed improvements to the way that skills assessments are conducted.
The current skills assessment process is complex, costly and lengthy, with the completed Migration Review calling for actions to improve and streamline the recognition of overseas skills to help migrants enter the labour market at a level commensurate with their qualifications.
Raising standards will have significant benefits for migrants, employers and industry and ensure skills assessments are being delivered optimally in terms of standards, timeframes, industry requirements and costs.
Skills assessments are required for certain visa subclasses to ensure prospective migrants have the skills, qualifications and experience to meet Australian occupational standards.
Minister for Skills and Training, Brendan O’Connor, a diverse workforce, which draws skilled workers from within Australia and overseas, will help build a solid foundation for continued economic growth.
“There is an international marketplace for skilled workers and we must ensure that we attract and retain the best and the brightest from around the world,” he said.