
Today' HVACR contractor is a multi-skilled professional in high demand.

Once again the job of air conditioning and refrigeration technician made the top list of trades experiencing a skills shortage in 2017.

There are no signs of a change anytime soon with Department of Employment figures showing a critical shortage of technicians in most states across Australia.

So those of you who are out there working we know that you are in high demand.

We also know that it takes a lot more than technical skills to thrive in today's market, especially if you are a small business operator.

For those with a business success is determined by customer service skills and the ability to multi-task by juggling the needs of suppliers, clients and staff. It's a job deserving of an award.

CCN is searching for the Contractor of the Year as part of its 2018 HVACR Leadership Awards.

This award recognises sole trader/contractor or small business operator excellence – a contractor that has demonstrated exceptional levels of technical expertise, innovation and customer service. If that is you we would love to hear from you.

The winner of last year's Contractor of the Year Award was the proprietor of Airepair Air Conditioning Services Pty Ltd, Brad Wiseman. The family owned business has been in operation for 17 years.

To nominate go to