
Construction has reached completion on the 2,992 square metre high clearance building which will house a new advanced technology metals processing centre in Victoria.

Located at A F Gason’s main manufacturing site in Ararat, the new advanced technology metals processing centre will be commissioned and fully operational by the second quarter of this year.

Currently engineers from the German company Stopa are installing the new metal storage and sequencing system, with their fellow countrymen installing the Trumpf laser cutter in March.

The $6 million investment by the fourth generation family owned design, manufacturing and engineering business will create an increased capacity for parts cutting and folding of Gason’s own product ranges.

It will also enable the company to undertake more parts and components manufacturing for an increased number of external clients.

Gason marketing & QA manager, Craig Lennie, said the company already undertakes a significant volume of external metal components manufacturing.

He said the company is about celebrate 75 years of operation.

 “Our new Trumpf laser cutter and Stopa storage and sequencing facility will have the ability to speedily process sheet steel components and cut mild and stainless steel, aluminium and copper to 25 mm in thickness,” Lennie said.

“We have also designed the new centre for efficient handling of all materials and being based in the strong regional centre of Ararat we have excellent logistics with the Western Highway providing easy access from Ballarat on to South Australia so we are expecting many more industrial and manufacturing  businesses to see the advantages of using our new metals processing facility and services.

“A F Gason currently employs some 120 staff in Ararat and we are actively offering more job opportunities to metals trades personnel, especially welders with experience, as well as offering a skills training program for suitable interns.”

The $6 million investment includes a grant from the Victorian Government’s Future Industries Manufacturing Program (FIMP).