The refrigerant landscape is changing every year which means HVACR professionals need to keep pace with regulations.
New refrigerants are being introduced along with new safety standards.
There will be a session at ARBS dealing specifically with the latest codes, standards and applications for new refrigerants.
The session will be presented by a 40-year industry veteran, Stuart Kirkwood, country leader for Trane Technologies.
Kirkwood spent nine years working in Asia before overseeing Australia and New Zealand (ANZ).
Kirkwood is a degree qualified engineer, a LEED Accredited Professional (AP), and is the current president of AREMA.
As an AREMA board member for 20 years, Kirkwood represents AREMA on several Australian Standard committees including ME006; and was a keynote speaker at the 2019 Future Air and 2023 Future Gas Roadshows.
He is a regular presenter at industry events and at the Trane air conditioning clinics.