Engineered Designs president, Ginger Scoggins, will present meaningful building decarbonization strategies as part of the ARBS seminar program.
Scoggins said scientific evidence proves that human-caused emissions are accelerating the change in climate at a record pace.
Her presentation, which will be held tomorrow, highlights how ASHRAE is equipping its members with new knowledge, expanding energy efficient building design efforts and providing climate leadership and resources to the global built environment.
Scoggins is ASHRAE president for the 2023-24 term.
She has 35 years’ experience as a licensed mechanical engineer and is a certified commissioning agent and energy manager.
She is the president and owner of Engineered Designs, Inc., a consulting engineering firm, working on projects ranging from $4 to $90 million.
The designs focus on high-performing buildings.
Scoggins was part of the ASHRAE committee that lead the Society’s $20 million fully net-zero-energy building renovation project.
She is a current member of the United Nations Environment Programme and the ASHRAE Task Force for Building Decarbonization.