Camfil, a global leader in air filtration solutions, used its ARBS 2024 booth to promote the vision of an oasis of clean air and natural tones.
The combination of wood and green aesthetics made this stand particularly inviting and refreshing, and closely fit with Camfil’s theme for the event: ‘Life Cycle Cost Analysis’.
The principle is as elegant as the booth: Camfil wants to encourage people to consider the long-term cost savings of different air filter types, considering factors such as labour, maintenance, disposal, initial cost, and, crucially, energy savings.
As Jonathan Bunge, managing director of Camfil Australia, said: “Our Hi-Flo bag filters are designed for high dust loading, which means less replacement and higher efficiency. We’re also promoting our energy-efficient products here, including panel filters, compact filters, HEPA, and our range of molecular contamination control filtration solutions.”
Visitors across the three days were also interested in Camfil’s CleanSeal Extract, a HEPA terminal housing designed for hospital operating and isolation rooms, emphasising the removal of contaminants efficiently.
The strength that Camfil has in this space highlights just how effective the company’s technology is at cleaning the air across its entire product range, Bunge said. There were also cost savings on the table, he added.
Camfil NSW's sales and product manager, John Mediati, said energy efficiency is key to sustainability.
“The use of filters that reduce energy and provide better indoor air quality leads to a better outcome because up to 70 per cent of the total cost of ownership of a filter system is the electricity,” Mediati said. “With lower average pressure drop, you can save a lot of money and energy.”
Another key economic benefit that the Camfil team were highlighting was one of productivity. Most people spend as much as 90 per cent of their time indoors Improving the air quality, therefore translates directly to productivity gains by reducing rates of sickness.
One of the interesting facts about Camfil is that the company is truly committed to walking the walk.
Globally, Camfil has appointed a chief airgonomics officer, whose role is to ensure that every office worldwide provides a healthier and cleaner environment, through the air, to work within.
But it’s important to know that this effort doesn’t have to cost more. As Mediati said, air filtration is not unlike LED lights. 20 years ago no one knew what LED lights were, but they are now ubiquitous due to their long-lasting and energy-efficient nature, even if they’re more expensive up-front than a standard light bulb.
Most people opt for the LED light now. Camfil’s filters are like the LED light. They’re designed to use less energy and remove more particles from the air, while also lasting longer and delivering a superior Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).
Investing in Camfil’s air filters are an investment into your people, their quality of life, and the efficiency of the workplace.
An estimated 70 per cent of office workers are worried about air quality in the workplace – which COVID only accelerated. Camfil’s point of difference is that it gives these people peace of mind.