• Jason Monty, University of Melbourne
Pic credit: University of Melbourne
    Jason Monty, University of Melbourne Pic credit: University of Melbourne

Find out how to improve health and energy outcomes through various retrofit options including column-based displacement and in-ceiling filtration.

The BREATH (Building Retrofit for Efficiency, Air quality, Thermal comfort and Health) project is a research pilot led by the City of Melbourne in partnership with Cbus Property, the University of Melbourne, AG Coombs, SEED engineering, AURECON and Westaflex.

It is a rapid retrofit project that tests various air conditioning and ventilation retrofit options with the express purpose of reducing airborne particulates and infection transfer, while taking into account the energy and cost consequences.

The initial pilot covered ASHRAE recommendations, conventional mixed air conditioning, ceiling-mounted HEPA filters and displacement ventilation.

Personal air was also showcased but not integrated into the overall research – as its air change and energy aspects were the same as the existing HVAC system.

Three speakers will deliver presentations in this session at ARBS including Jason Monty, professor of fluid mechanics, head of mechanical engineering at the University of Melbourne.

Professor Monty is an expert in experimental fluid mechanics and hydrodynamics and is experienced with field measurements of atmospheric turbulence. 

Most recently his work has been extended to ventilation of indoor spaces. He has designed, built and commercialised a novel personal ventilation system for hospital patients.

He will be joined by AndrewNagarajah, senior engineer, sustainability at AG Coombs Advisory Pty Ltd and Dr Dominique Hes, zero carbon buildings lead at the City of Melbourne.

Nagarajah is a mechanical engineer with over a decade of experience in building services and sustainability consulting.

His role within A.G. Coombs Advisory is focused on the areas of net zero emissions strategy development for built assets; building electrification to facilitate 100% renewables-powered building services.

With degrees in botany, engineering, architecture and a Certificate in Governance, Hes brings an interdisciplinary approach to all her work.

In this project she examined ways to provide healthier indoor air while reducing energy use.

NCC 2025

The seminar program also features a session on working towards the National Construction Code 2025.

DeltaQ principal consultant, Grace Foo, will look at future building codes, following the NCC 2025 update for low-energy commercial buildings trajectory.

Foo has been a key contributor to government policy work such as the NCC2025 low-energy commercial buildings trajectory, 2019 National Construction Code Section J revision and expansion of the NABERS program to other sectors.