• There was plenty of interest in Camfil’s products at ARBS 2024.
    There was plenty of interest in Camfil’s products at ARBS 2024.

Camfil Australia has been expanding local operations moving into a new head office in Melbourne to meet growing demand for clean air solutions.

The new premises are an impressive 4,655 square meters, double the size of Camfil’s previous location.

Camfil Australia managing director, Jonathan Bunge, said the move signifies the beginning of a new chapter in Camfil Australia’s journey of growth and success

He said the company has seen double digit growth in recent years which can be attributed to a greater awareness of the importance of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) post-COVID.

“We doubled warehouse space at the new facility to accommodate this growing market,” Bunge said.

Camfil deputy president for the Asia Pacific, Jayant Kaushal, said the new office also provides a conducive work environment for staff.

Kaushal said Camfil products promote healthy indoor environments.

“There has been ample research showing how good IAQ raises productivity in the workplace and contributes to good health,” he said.

“This is why Camfil appointed a global Chief Airgonomics Officer (CAO), a person dedicated to monitoring IAQ for employees.”

At Camfil this is an important position with the CAO reporting directly to the CEO.

“We want to have a CAO on a global, regional and local level. The goal is for Airgonomics to be widely accepted as the gold standard for a healthy workplace,” Kaushal said.

“We are even encouraging our customers to follow our lead and do the same.”

These core values of sustainability and employee well-being are part of Camfil’s business ethos.  When dealing with customers the focus is on maximising value which is why Camfil promotes Life Cycle Cost Analysis.