
CCN Live, the events arm of Climate Control News magazine, has launched its very own awards program to formally recognise the pioneers and innovators of Australia's HVACR industry.

The program was created to honour leadership, innovation and the entrepreneurial spirit that drives outstanding talent.

Formally known as the HVACR Leadership Awards there are five distinct categories and winners will be announced at a CCN Live breakfast event to be held on Friday, August 14, 2015.

Each category will recognise the leader of an outstanding project, program or product. For example, the Sustainability Leader in HVACR Award, will be awarded to a professional that has led an outstanding sustainable project, initiative or program, or  developed a sustainable product.

A good category for the fridgies is the Emerging Leader in Energy Savings in HVACR although each award is open to all segments of the industry. There is a Industry Rising Star category for those under 35 years of age.

The main award “HVACR Leader of the Year” will go to a professional that has a well established career and has contributed extensively to the development and improvement of the HVACR industry.

A successful awards program needs an industry leader to be the main sponsor which is why the HVACR Leadership Awards are proudly sponsored by BITZER.

Don't be shy and nominate now as entries close on June 26, 2015.

To nominate go to and good luck!

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